Sales Activity Leads to Closed Deals
Jan 02, 2024
You know that old saying “nothing happens until someone sells something”? Well, the cousin to that one is “sales activity leads to closed deals”. Sales 101 here.
Your Treasury Management sales team (anyone involved in selling TM deals) should have regular sales activity. Ideally, sales activity has both goals and incentive to hit those goals.
Some may classify these activities as prospecting, and to that end, it is defined in the classic, but still relevant book The New Solution Selling – The Revolutionary Sales Process That is Changing the Way People Sell. In it, the author defines prospecting as the ability to stimulate interest or create demand for your products or services versus finding people already looking to buy something (page 68).
Here are some activities you can track in your Treasury Management sales efforts.
Contacts on LinkedIn
If your target market is active on LinkedIn, engaging them through regular posts and commenting is a way to generate activity.
Calls and Emails
Some days, you just have to pick up the phone. We know, it’s hard, but calling prospects and asking them out for coffee is a great way to learn more about their business. And…as a bonus, you might gain a new friend! Emails can be a bit more difficult, but if targeted properly (no SPAM), you can be successful in getting a meeting.
Event Attendance
There are many events in your community to attend. A few ideas are: Business Round Table, Chamber of Commerce meetings, BNI and other networking groups.
Event Sponsorships
If you bank sponsors events, attend the events and get to know the folks. You might even meet your next Treasury Management customer.
Leads from your Digital Sales Team
Your digital sales team is constantly looking for leads to hand off to the TM sales team. Don’t have a digital sales team? Think of this team in the traditional inside sales role, but utilizing modern Internet based lead generation techniques.
Visit Customers with Lenders
If your bank is structured in a way that TM sales personnel is different from the loan team, go out on sales calls with the loan team. That way, you’ll meet potential decision makers and start to build a relationship with potential TM customers.
We hope you agree that sales activity leads to closed deals and that you and your team invest some time in coming up with creative ways to introduce prospects to your bank’s Treasury Management services.
Struggling with selling your bank’s Treasury Management services? We can help. The TMClarity Framework is designed to help TM teams sell and manage Treasury Management services profitably while increasing core deposits.
As always, we’re here to help.
TMClarity™ empowers Community Banks to attract more business core deposits and increase non-interest fee income. Our framework enables you to become world-class in the selling, implementation, and customer support of treasury management services offered to your business customers.
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