4 Building Blocks for a Treasury Management Support Team

customer satisfaction customer service Dec 19, 2023
Treasury Management Support Team

Your treasury management support team needs the right tools to properly support your treasury management business customers. From the right technology to the right access, everything works in harmony to create the right environment for your team to be successful.

What is the right environment? Let’s explore 4 building blocks for a treasury management support team:


Your support team needs the right technology to properly support your business customers.

  • Advanced Computer Systems: Equip your support team with high-performance computers that can handle multiple tasks efficiently. This ensures that they can manage various applications and customer interactions without any technical delays or hiccups.
  • Multiple Monitor Setup: Implement a multi-monitor setup for each team member. This allows them to have several windows open simultaneously, such as customer accounts, support tools, and communication platforms, enabling them to access information quickly and multitask effectively.
  • Hands-Free Communication Tools: Provide headsets for hands-free phone calls. This not only enhances the clarity of communication but also allows team members to navigate through computer systems and take notes more efficiently during calls.
  • Video Conferencing Capabilities: Incorporate video cameras into the support setup. This is crucial for facilitating face-to-face interactions with business customers, which can be more personal and effective in understanding and resolving treasury management support issues.


The right software combination for your treasury management support team is essential to resolving and tracking issues.

  • Video Conferencing and Remote Control: Video calling access to assist business customers in resolving their issues. Along with video calling, this software usually includes screen sharing and remote-control features to help your team resolve issues remotely.
  • Ticketing Software: Ticketing software helps your team and management track the efficient resolution of problems.
  • Knowledgebase: This is a repository of issues and resolutions helps newer team members resolve problems quicker and learn faster without having to ask senior team members.
  • Up to Date Documentation: Access to vendor documentation and internal documentation - assist team members in resolving issues without having to “escalate” to more experienced team members. This saves time by not delaying the resolution to the issue by “forwarding” it onto other team members.

System and People Access

Your treasury management support team should have all the necessary security access to internal and external vendor systems necessary to resolve most support calls.

  • Comprehensive Security Access: Ensure that your treasury management support team has the necessary security clearances to access both internal and external vendor systems. This is essential for them to resolve a wide range of support calls effectively and efficiently.
  • Balanced Security Levels: Design security levels meticulously to enable the support team to manage customer systems effectively while restricting access to your bank's internal administrative systems. This balance is crucial for maintaining operational integrity and security.
  • Vendor Support Access: Provide the support team with access to vendor support resources. This facilitates quick and easy escalation processes when needed, ensuring that complex issues are addressed promptly and accurately.
  • Direct Customer Access to Support Team: Implement Direct Inward Dialing (DID) lines for each support team member. This allows customers to directly reach the team members handling their issues, fostering better communication and more personalized support as they work through their treasury management problems.


Finally, your team needs access to training resources for every treasury management service you offer.

  • Comprehensive Training on Treasury Management Services: Ensure that your team has access to in-depth training resources for every treasury management service offered by your organization. This training should encompass all aspects of these services, enabling the team to fully understand and efficiently manage them.
  • Access to Demo Equipment and Accounts: Provide the support team with demo equipment, especially for services that involve hardware like Remote Deposit Capture. Additionally, offer demo accounts which are instrumental for hands-on training of new support staff as well as for demonstrating processes and solutions to customers. This practical experience is crucial for effective learning and customer support.

Getting the right resources to your treasury management support team should be one of the first things to do as part of a treasury management department overhaul. Looking for more ideas on where to start? You’ve come to the right place. Our Treasury Management Framework helps your bank reach its treasury management goals.

As always, we’re here to help.

TMClarityā„¢Ā empowers Community Banks to attract more business core deposits and increase non-interest fee income. Our frameworkĀ enables you to become world-class in the selling, implementation, and customer support of treasury management services offered to your business clients.

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